mrs sturns class
Popcorn is on sale for $1.00 tomorrow! Bring money if you would like to buy some popcorn!
All orders must be in by Friday, March 9th. Delivery will be between March 26 - 30th. Also, you can order online and so can all of your friends, simply go to and enter our customer #9780. If you have any questions email [email protected].
The students will be performing the "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks" that they have been practicing in music class. If the students have any clothing which is yellow, Mrs. Bugden would love them to wear that. White would also be a good colour for our little chicks. Parents are welcome to come and watch the students perform. The performance will take place on March 8 at 1:00 in the gym. Hope you can make it! The students will be bring home a note about this in their planners this week.
We will be making Valentine holders on Monday! If students would like to bring in Valentines to exchange they can bring them in on Valentine's Day to hand out! Also students are also encouraged to wear red, white, or pink on Valentine's Day!
We are really looking forward to the friendship sundaes that we will be making on Valentine's Day! Mrs. Sturn is going to be bringing in the ice cream and the students will be bringing in the toppings! Here is a list of what students said they will be bringing so far:

Max - chocolate chips
Jessie - sprinkles
Jake - whipped cream
Ben - whipped cream
Brielle - caramel sauce
Jayden -  bananas
Justin - bananas
Madeline - smarties
Brenden - oreo cookie crumbs
Taylor - marshmallows
Carley - sprinkles
Adoni - chocolate chip cookies
Charlotte - Gummy Worms
Mae - ladyfinger cookies and graham crumbs

Edric - Strawberries
We will be sewing Christmas Stockings on December 6th. If there are any parents or Grandparents who would like to come to the class to help thread needles, etc, please drop by to help! We will begin at 12:45. Thank you so much!
Please note that there will be no Hot Lunch days in December. Also there will be no early dismissal days.
Our class will be singing a short song from our song book at the Remembrance Day Assembly on thursday. The assembly will start after recess at approximately 10:30. Parents are welcome to attend. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their nice clothes for our performance.
We got a free book from TD Bank today. It is called Gifts by Barbara Reid. Mrs. Sturn
I think the book that we all got today was very nice. I like the pictures that the author made out of clay and I think the illustrator is very creative. Elijah

I think that the illustrator did a great job. I like how she made the pictures out of clay! Madeline
The books we got today are special because the pictures are made from clay. Max
I like how they made it out of clay. I saw a bird made out of clay. Jessie
Those books are amazing! Jackie
I love teacher reading and I am glad that I got that book for free! Mae
I like the book! It was so great! Brielle
It is cool that the illustrator made it out of clay. Charlotte
The books are awesome! Taylor
The books are totally cool and I like how they are made out of clay! Jake
It is very awesome because it is made out of clay! Edric
I like the pictures in the book! Rafe

mrs sturns class