mrs sturns class
We will be sewing Christmas Stockings on December 6th. If there are any parents or Grandparents who would like to come to the class to help thread needles, etc, please drop by to help! We will begin at 12:45. Thank you so much!
Please note that there will be no Hot Lunch days in December. Also there will be no early dismissal days.
Today we had a pretend campfire in our classroom to celebrate the end of our unit on the night! We had the room all dark, with nocturnal animals around the room, our night trees on the wall, and our shooting stars waiting to be wished upon. We had the sounds of the fire and night crickets in the background (see science page - campfire video). We gathered around the fire and sang the collection of "night" songs from our song books. We used our flashlights to spot the flashing eyes of the nocturnal animals hiding around the room. We played a game of charades and pictionary using the words from our night theme. We also ate smores around the fire! Yum! I was very impressed how the students cleaned up after themselves. There may have been chocolate on their faces, but there was none on the floor! These kids are amazing! We also made a graph of all the sleeping buddies that the students brought to school. It was wonderful meeting them all! Oh yeah, I told the students a very "scary" story around the fire -- make sure they tell it to you! We all had a really fun day (or should I say night!)!
Today the class had centres. We don't have centres every day but the students sure love it when we do! It is the highIight of the day for them. I put out the extra pasta and beans that we had left over from making our skeletons. Madeline decided to visit the pasta station and she had made a paper clip! How creative! We read a story about counting sheep and some students made sheep out of cotton balls. So cute! I thought I would take some pictures of what the students did today at the various centre stations they chose today!  I hope that they will post comments and tell us more about the interesting things they created!  
Madeline's paperclip made out of pasta!

Ernest's paperclip made out of pasta!

Max`s creature made out of Kinnex.

Jessie`s Smore bar made out of a cotton ball colored with marker and glued between two squares of brown paper.

Justin`s fish!

Hillcrest is requesting donations of any non-perishable food items, sundries, or toys. Please send any items to school with your child and I will let them take them down to the office to add to our Christmas hamper. We appreciate all of your donations! Thank you for helping others who are less fortunate have a better Christmas!
The Hillcrest Leadership is planning a special day on Wednesday, November 23rd. The purpose of this day us to get us all into school spirit and have a little fun. Everyone is encouraged to dress up in a weird and wacky way. We all will have fun being wacky on wednesday!
Jake - In the world we should all be very quiet and peaceful and have fun.
Jayden G. -  No wars.
Adoni - All people need to be nice to each other. Always be nice to
your friends.
Jackie - Think about other people.
Elijah - We should always hope that no more people will die. There
should be no more wars.
Jesse - People should follow the Golden Rules. Treat others the way
you want to be treated.

Taylor- Have a happy life. Be nice to your brothers and sisters.
Mae - Don't hit.
Brielle - Don't fight. Be nice to each other.
Edric - Never battle.
Brenden - Never throw balls at people. Do not throw paint at anybody.
Rafe - No fighting. Be good to each other.
Justin - Always wear a Poppy on Remembrance Day.
Charlotte - Be safe.
Max - Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Noor-Deeyanah - Be kind.
Ernest - Don't spit.
Carley - Just be nice to each other.
Ben - Speak nicely.
Madeline - Don't draw anything violent.

Wouldn't it be great if our kids made up the rules?
Our class will be singing a short song from our song book at the Remembrance Day Assembly on thursday. The assembly will start after recess at approximately 10:30. Parents are welcome to attend. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their nice clothes for our performance.
We got a free book from TD Bank today. It is called Gifts by Barbara Reid. Mrs. Sturn
I think the book that we all got today was very nice. I like the pictures that the author made out of clay and I think the illustrator is very creative. Elijah

I think that the illustrator did a great job. I like how she made the pictures out of clay! Madeline
The books we got today are special because the pictures are made from clay. Max
I like how they made it out of clay. I saw a bird made out of clay. Jessie
Those books are amazing! Jackie
I love teacher reading and I am glad that I got that book for free! Mae
I like the book! It was so great! Brielle
It is cool that the illustrator made it out of clay. Charlotte
The books are awesome! Taylor
The books are totally cool and I like how they are made out of clay! Jake
It is very awesome because it is made out of clay! Edric
I like the pictures in the book! Rafe

mrs sturns class